I was enjoy in the live of AM ARTSPACE.It’s include 3 elements:1,some photos about Qiuzhuang Project was displaying in the television on the wall.2,Na Yingyu and me was talking about Qiuzhuang Project’s income and outcome face to face near the middle of the room.3,Yu Ji was writing the accounts of our talking with the color chalks on the wall.
It’s continued 50mins,some audience left when they thought it’s senseless.I think it’s good,we just talk about the accounts,not about the academic art, someone don’t like it.
We have a talking in the next morning,Wang Yiquan asked me if I will say it’s a performance,or just a talking.I said I don’t to define it,it’s stay in the boundary line between performance and talking,I like this.Class definition just less it’s possible and make more laziness.