李牧的双屏录像作品源于其对澳门的印象------灯红酒绿.古有王羲之醉写《兰亭集序》,今有李牧“醉”拍他想象中灯红酒绿的澳门,同时以另一部摄像机记录他醉拍得过程,两者同步播放的设置充满实验性,艺术家一方面“无意识的”透过镜头反映其即时的反应与感受,同时却“有意识的”把过程记录下来以资对照。澳门的灯红酒绿在“清醒”与“不清醒”的镜头下呈现,颇堪玩味。 Li Mu’s dual-screen video was insprired by his impression of Macao as a city of nightlife,all gaudy neon and clinking wine glasses.While in ancient times,Wang Xizhi wrote his Lanting Xu (Preface to the Poems Composed at the Orchid Pavilion)in an intoxicated state of mind, today we have Li Mu .who,in a similar state of mind,video records the imaginary bustling and dazzling nightlife of Macao,in tandem with another video recorder recording his recording.The device of playing the resulting tow videos in juxtaposition is an innovative experiment.