夏山学校 声音装置 李牧 2023 | Date :2023-08-13 | From :iamlimu.org |
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![]() Summer Hill School sound installation Li Mu 2023

去年,我在网上买到新版的《夏山学校》。打开书,第一页,上面写道: “上课完全自由。孩子们可以上课,也可以不上课,只要他们喜欢,他们可以一年到头不上课……”世界上真有这样的学校吗?听起来简直不可思议。 我后悔没有在几年前买下这本书,我和它相见恨晚。
In the past few years, I have been practicing natural art education with a group of children in Suzhou. Step by step, I realized that the most lacking and important thing for children to grow up is freedom. We see children's desire for freedom, and we also see the phenomena and problems that children present in the context of lack of freedom.
Last year, I bought a new version of "Summer Hill School" online. Open the book, on the first page, which reads: "Classes are completely free. Children can attend classes or not, and they can go without classes all year round if they like..."Is there really such a school in the world?" It sounds incredible.
I regret not buying this book a few years ago, and I regret we didn’t meet sooner.
李牧 Li Mu 2023
展览:艺术家的一本书 场地:苏州湾数字艺术馆
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